Membership Form Application for Membership Membership Form Please fill out the form below to register your interest in becoming a member of ArabArb.First NameLast NameWhat is your current role? Partner in a Law Firm Associate in a Law Firm Institutional Representative Arbitrator Expert Law Student OtherPositionCompany/FirmEmailPrimary City of ResidencePrimary City of PracticeAre you admitted to practice in the Arab World? Yes NoJurisdiction(s) in Which You Are Qualified to Practice LawHave you obtained your law degree from a university in the Arab World? Yes NoNumber of Post-Qualification Years of Experience in International ArbitrationLinkedIn ProfileProfessional Website ProfileDo you speak Arabic? Yes NoWith which Arab World country do you have roots, affinity, or interest? Algeria Bahrain Comoros Djibouti Egypt Iraq Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Libya Mauritania Morocco Oman Palestine Qatar Saudi Arabia Somalia Sudan Syria Tunisia United Arab Emirates Yemen Other CountryPlease explain your roots, affinity, or interest in the Arab World.Please select the element of our mission statement which most closely resonates with you. Establishing a network of arbitrators, counsel, practitioners, academics, institutional representatives, and other members of the arbitration community Organizing conferences and training seminars on topics relevant to the ArabArb community Offering mentoring opportunities and exposure to law students of Arab descent Increasing the visibility of diverse, qualified counsel and arbitrators who are particularly suited to handle disputes relating to the Arab World What type of events would you be interested in having ArabArb host?Would you be interested in hosting an ArabArb event? Yes NoSubmit Form